Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I don't know where to begin with alcohol, but I do not have too much of an issue in this subject. God has blessed me with not having the temptation to drink. Believe me I realize how lucky I am to have no desire to. I'm not saying that I may never fall in to it, I am aware of the danger it holds. But at the same time, I'm VERY aware of the danger it has because even if you're not involved with it at all, even if you're not around it or anything, it still affects your life. That's where I struggle. I let people's comments about the fact that I don't party and the fact that I don't drink get to my head about other parts of me. Everyone tells me I'm such the little perfect Christian girl and if I sin, I'm a disgrace to God. Because of that I try to get into other things and try to prove my worth and my status to others, but I'm sick of that too. I know many people get it and mayn people see it, but I am taking off this perfect mask. My parents don't drink anymore, not because of it maybe being wrong but because they just didn't want to, and I've been raised in that environment. My aunts and uncles and grandparents drink at holidays but its never in excess and I've grown up in this mature environment. It's been really nice to see drinking, but in a good environment where I know how to drink in moderation and how and when it's okay. I'm very blessed in this arena, but I have my own struggles too. Believe me, I'm still human.

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